GrCo school board puts voted PPEL on Nov. 7 ballot

Voters in the Greene County Community School District will be asked on the Nov. 7 ballot to continue the voter approved physical plant and equipment levy that is already in place. The Greene County school board at the Aug. 23 regular meeting approved a resolution placing the question on the ballot.

A voter-approved PPEL can be up to $1.34 (per thousand dollars of taxable valuation) and an income tax surtax. PPEL funds can be used for transportation, buildings and technology.

According to superintendent Brett Abbotts, the highest the voted PPEL has been is $1.08 in the 2016-17 school year. The budget for the new year calls for $1.01. “I’ll be so bold as to make a guarantee that we will not exceed the $1.01 moving forward,” Abbotts said. “That’s the highest that we’ll keep that at so we can make a commitment to continue to do everything we can to lower the overall property tax rate for our community members.”

The district also levies a board approved PPEL with a maximum of 33 cents (per thousand).

Click here for more information.

The median voter approved PPEL in Iowa is 79 cents; there is only one district in the state that does not have the levy

In other business, Abbotts reported that as of last Wednesday, there were 54 students enrolled at the Greene County Career Academy, an increase of eight students from 2022-23. The total includes seven students from other school districts.

Maximum enrollment is 75 students.

The board approved student/parent handbooks for the 2023-24 school year for all three buildings, as well as the bus driver handbook and the coaches/directors handbook.

The board held the first reading of several board policies, many of which are required to comply with Senate File 496 and House File 604 approved in the 2023 legislative session. Other existing policies were updated to comply with new legislation.

First readings were held on Board Policy 105 Anti-Bullying/Anti- Harassment; 401.6 Limitations to Employment References; 402.2 Child Abuse Reporting; 402.5 Required Professional Development for Employees; 503.7 Student Disclosure of Identity; 503.7E1 Student Disclosure of Identify-Report of Student Disclosure of Identity; 503.7E2 Student Disclosure of Identity – Request to Update Student Identity; 505.4 Testing Program; 507.2E1 Administration of Medication to Students – Authorization-Asthma, Airway Constricting or Respiratory Distress Medication Self-Administration Consent Form; 507.2E2 Parental Authorization and Release form for the Administration of medication or special health services to students; 507.2E3 Parental authorization and release form for independent self-carry and administration of prescribed medication or independent delivery of health services by the student; 507.2E4 Parental authorization and release form for the administration of voluntary school stock of over the counter medication to students; 601.1 School Calendar; 603.5 Health Education; 605.3E5 Request to prohibit a student from accessing specific instructional materials; and 804.5E1 Parental authorization and release form for the administration of a voluntary school supply of stock medication for life threatening incidents

The Iowa Association of School Boards assisted districts with policy language to comply with state laws.

District constituent Cindy Wise asked for an explanation of the process of approving policies. Abbotts explained policies are not approved on the first reading, but the public is made aware of the new or amended policies. After the second reading, usually at the next monthly meeting, the policies can be approved by the board.

The board policies on first reading are available by request from the superintendent’s office.

Abbotts reiterated that every new or amended policy on the agenda is required by law.

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